Our Wait list for live-in programs is anywhere between three to six months.
Click here for Poster:POSTER_Thuy Na Mut program
Grounded in culture and tradition, this 6-week intensive live-in A&D program is available to Indigenous people. Holistic in nature, the program is for those who are ready to put substance use behind them. Through carefully developed therapy experiences that build on existing strengths and aspirations, each participant discovers their own unique pathway for continuing recovery from the effects of alcohol and drug use.
Click here for the Admission Criteria for this program
Included in the program structure are group and individual treatment experiences that promote:
Indigenous people 19 years and older, struggling with the effects of substance use are encouraged to apply. Those seeking admission are requested to obtain the support of one of the following:
A comprehensive intake package needs to be completed by your referral worker. Completed applications that include a written commitment of personal healing are carefully and respectfully reviewed by our treatment team. Assignment to upcoming scheduled groups is made taking into consideration special treatment needs and safety requirements of all possible participants.
Each applicant is required to provide a medical report, indicating they are free from communicable diseases and that they are physically and mentally able to participate in an intense residential program. A minimum of two weeks being clean and sober is required to be considered for admission.
Those completing the program are assisted during the program to develop an after care plan that includes community, family and therapeutic support unique to their needs.
Due to confidentiality and anonymity Tsow-Tun Le Lum does not post Intake dates. Application(s) are accepted by referral workers only: application forms (intake packages) are available on this website – please click on “Referral Packages tab”. Please review “admission criteria” prior to filling out the referral package. If you have any questions or concerns please contact our office during regular business hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-4:00pm.