The Honouring Grief Program is for those who have experienced grief that is impacting their lives. This program allows the gift of time and opportunity to share in group, process feelings of sadness, anger, depression, numbness, anxiety, shame and guilt. Unresolved grief could lead to burn out. However, trusting the process of group therapy, clients will experience support from other group members and are able to work through feelings of pain, anger, frustration, and isolation. To assist in the process of healing we have gifted Elders who share brushing and cleansing ceremonies. We also have a clinical counsellor who works one-on-one with participants as needed. A sense of well-being is restored through culture, ceremony, and prayer – body, mind, and spirit.
Each participant is carefully screened to ensure they are ready to benefit from from trauma treatment and have no other behaviour problems that need to be addressed first. They also must make a written commitment to complete the program; and make financial arrangements for travel to and from Tsow-Tun Le Lum.
Click here for the Admission Criteria for this program
Due to confidentiality and anonymity Tsow-Tun Le Lum does not post Intake dates. Application(s) are accepted by referral workers only: application forms (intake packages) are available on this website – please click on “Referral Packages tab”. Please review “admission criteria” prior to filling out the referral package. If you have any questions or concerns please contact our office during regular business hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-4:00pm.